Payment methods

Accepted Cards: All Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro). Use of your credit card for your purchases in the online store “” is completely safe, as long as you follow the relevant instructions. Once you have completed all the information required to register the order you will be automatically transferred to the secure site of the partner bank ( Piraeus ) where you will be able to complete your credit card details directly. To pay by credit card, you must fill in the relevant form with the exact holder name, number and expiration date of your credit card, as well as the three-digit number (CVV) on the back of the card. Check and pay immediately if you are connected to the partner bank (Piraeus). In any case of purchase, the buyer must also be the holder of the card used for the respective transaction.
of the courier company, acting on the instructions of “karenshop”. In this case the customer will be charged a cash on delivery fee of 2 euros (including the corresponding VAT).